Captain’s Log


We are Keith & Irene Zimmerman. On January 1, 2021, our ministry to help 11 orphan children from Guadalajara, Mexico became our new full time job.  Our goal is to help each child after they graduate high school by offering them an opportunity to go to a bible school such as Impacto School of transformation in Oaxaca, Mexico or YWAM (Youth with A Mission ) Discipleship Training School in different locations in Mexico. Once they graduate bible school, we then offer them a college education.

During this process we are also encouraging them in their walk with Jesus, by visiting them in Mexico at least 3 to 4 times per year. During our time in Mexico we have also connected with missionaries in Oaxaca and Mazatlan that we partner with to spread the good news of God’s kingdom.

Please join us in prayer for the transformation of these children’s hearts and that we could continue to pour into them and support them financially. Please also pray for all of the people that have encounters with the missionaries in Oaxaca and Mazatlan.

Then I heard the Lord asking. “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “ Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

You are all welcome to join us on a mission trip to Oaxaca or Mazatlan! Reach out to with any interest or questions.