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Desi Torres

Hi, my name is Desi Torres and I’m currently working as missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico. I am a ministry leader at a discipleship school called IMPACTO, School of Ministry and Transformation.

My main roles within my ministry are Teacher, Mentor, Local Outreach Coordinator and Regional Festival Coordinator. I have a heart and passion for raising up leaders in Christ, for Evangelism, and to see people walking in the freedom that is promised to us in our Lord Jesus.

I surrendered my life to Christ on April 24, 2011 and haven’t looked back. One year after I decided to follow Jesus, I was baptized (Spring 2012) at a mens retreat and God had reminded me of a desire that he had placed within my heart when I was a child, to travel the world and to share about Jesus. Months after I was baptized I decided to enter into a one-year discipleship program. About a week before I was going to graduate (Fall 2013)  my pastor (Cisco Villaseñor) approached me and invited me to be apart of a missionary team that he would be taking to Oaxaca, Mexico. I quickly said “yes” and began taking necessary steps of leaving my life behind, as I had known it.

In the summer of 2014 we launched out to Oaxaca and began the process of making disciples by planting a church in the northern part of the state. In 2015 we launched our discipleship school “IMPACTO” and are currently about to enroll our 9th generation of students. We have seen our students become pastors, missionaries, leaders within their churches, and also some that have launched non-profit organizations that target and benefit Pro-Life campaigns, Restored Drug Addicts, and are currently working on new projects that will target Oaxaca’s Red Light district, and orphanages. The goal is to stir our students up to love and good works, that they would passionately impact society with the love of God, and the message of Jesus Christ.

We also host evangelistic festivals where thousands of people attend, and have an opportunity to respond to the gospel. We work with local churches within the regions that we’re impacting and also host groups from the USA to help us plow and sow the message of the gospel. I always look forward to working with the churches that come from USA, as we choose to partner with our Lord and fulfill The Great Commission in this generation. The Harvest is great!