The Lonzons
I’m Marlon Gloria Lonzon. I have my mother’s heart, father’s work ethic, and our Heavenly Father’s love! In 2005 my mom died and I blamed God. 7 years I walked though the motions of life feeling numb to the entire world around me.
At 29 years old the Lord drew me to Him through the Rock School of Ministry. I learned a lot about myself, received internal healing, and fell more in love with Jesus and His mission.
I’ve been blessed to visit Haiti and Thailand for 2 weeks each, working with orphans and an anti-sex trafficking organization. I also visited Oaxaca, Mexico to bring hope to people who’ve never heard the Gospel of Jesus. 2 weeks, then 6 months, then an additional 15 months, and now Oaxaca is my home indefinitely!
Through life transfer, biblical teaching, mentoring, outreach, and festivals we equip locals from 12-15 different Christian churches at Impacto, our School of Ministry and Transformation. In my free time, I coach the Oaxaca all-star 15 years old and under girls basketball team and hope one day it’ll be a ministry of it’s own. Lastly I’m working on business projects to create self sustaining funding for long-term mission life.
-Marlon Lonzon
Facebook: Marlon Lonzon
Instagram: @marloninoaxaca // @jesusbeatfam