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The Witts

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” - John 10:27

In January 2016, we heard God’s voice telling us to leave San Diego to go to Cape Town, South Africa and lead a discipleship movement there. Leaving our jobs to move to the other side of the world was a massive step of faith for us, but we knew God was calling and we chose to follow Him. What an incredible journey it has been so far!

South Africa is a country still experiencing the effects of over 40 years of apartheid (legalized racial segregation and discrimination). In addition to great ethnic tension, the nation also faces high murder rates, corruption, crime, and an HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Our primary focus in South Africa is to make disciples as Jesus commands us to do in Matthew 28:18-20. We are working closely with the local churches here to train and equip the saints for the works of the ministry as we see in Ephesians 4:12, so that they can then go and make disciples themselves.

Our vision is to create a movement of God’s people on fire for the Lord, preaching the gospel and bringing an eternal hope to the country of South Africa in the midst of the many worldly difficulties that the people of this country face.

We’ve also aligned ourselves with a global partnership of churches working together to glorify God in every way. This partnership has already provided us with opportunities to teach and minister throughout South Africa and other countries as well.

We are filled with praise for the Lord for what He has been able to do in people’s lives so far in South Africa, and give thanks for each one of you for your financial gifts and partnership in the gospel with us. Thank you!

Pete, Sumari, and Arielle Witt
